
发布时间:2024-12-14 20:02:01    浏览:

本文摘要:If that guy who popped up in your Facebook people you may know section looks vaguely familiar, it may be because youve recently crossed paths.如果你在Facebook上的“你有可能了解的人”板块中看见某些人或许不太熟悉,那么这很有可能是因为你们最近到过某种程度的地方。

If that guy who popped up in your Facebook people you may know section looks vaguely familiar, it may be because youve recently crossed paths.如果你在Facebook上的“你有可能了解的人”板块中看见某些人或许不太熟悉,那么这很有可能是因为你们最近到过某种程度的地方。The section is usually a trove of high school acquaintances and a random assortment of colleagues with whom you have mutual friends, but Facebook also suggests friends with whom your common link may be unclear.这个板块一般来说不会引荐一些高中熟人或者随机寻找的有联合好友的人,但是Facebook也能引荐联系并不明晰的人。It turns out what two people may have in common is a shared GPS data point on their phones.事实证明,在手机上分享过某种程度GPS信息的两个人有可能不存在共同点。

Fusion first reported the story after a parent who attended a gathering for suicidal teens said Facebook suggested he friend another parent who attended -- despite having never shared any information with each other.一位参与过防青少年自杀身亡聚会的家长融合以上报导回应,Facebook给他引荐了一位也参与过这次活动的家长,但是他们之间没分享过信息。Facebook did not immediately respond to ABC News request for comment. However, a company representative told Fusion that location is just one factor in the algorithm the company uses to populate the people you may know section and that the two parents must have also had something else in common.Facebook没立刻对ABC新闻就此事做出说明的催促作出对此。

但是,公司的一名代表回应,Facebook上分享方位只是“你有可能了解的人”模块算法中的一方面因素,两位家长一定还有其他的共同点。While the super-smart algorithm may come in handy for networking with people you met at a party, you dont have to use it. Android users can visit their app manager to open Facebook permissions. From there, toggle location to off.虽然这一超强智能算法可以用在与参与过某种程度聚会的人联系,但并不是不须用于它。安卓用户可以转入应用程序管理器,寻找Facebook的权限设置,可以将电源状态设置为重开。

People using an iPhone can turn off location services by going to settings, privacy, location services. Scroll down to Facebook and choose Never. Its also a great time to evaluate the location settings on your other apps.用于苹果手机的人可通过设置-隐私-定位,然后向上滑动屏幕寻找Facebook,自由选择“从来不”来重开定位服务。同时也可以考虑到变更其他app在手机上的定位权限设置。


